4. Managing your science team: Setting goals, giving feedback and evaluating scientists — Science Management Associates

Empowering scientists to lead with confidence

4. Managing Your Science Team: Setting Goals, Giving Feedback and Performance Review for Scientists

Note: All of our workshops are sponsored by client organizations for their employees, staff or affiliates. At this time we do not offer “open enrollment” workshops. Please contact us for details.

Available for on site delivery and online via Zoom

Setting goals and giving feedback can be powerful tools for keeping scientists focused and motivated. Scientists at all levels want and need to hear how they’re doing from their mentors, managers or leaders. Yet all too often feedback is minimal or non-existent, leaving scientists anxious or uncertain about their performance. The result can be impeded scientific progress. 

 In this highly interactive half day workshop you will learn and practice how to set meaningful goals for scientists, how to give effective and useful feedback and how to conduct performance reviews that help keep projects and people on track.

 Key focus areas of the workshop include:

  • What are the challenges of setting goals in a basic research setting?

  • Different people need different levels of guidance.

  • How to create SMART goals for scientists.

  • What makes feedback useful?

  • A five step model for giving useful feedback

  • How to conduct a performance review for scientists.

  • How to guarantee that your advice will not be taken. How to give advice that scientists will hear and use.

Target audience:

This workshop is intended for scientists in a management or leadership role. 

We have a version of this workshop specifically for organizations that desire an expanded focus on the mentoring relationship (e.g. graduate students and postdocs). This new half-day workshop is called “Mentoring and Managing Your Science Team.”