Science Management Associates Now Offering All Its Workshops Via Zoom. — Science Management Associates

Empowering scientists to lead with confidence

Science Management Associates Now Offering All Its Workshops Via Zoom.

May 2020, Newton, MA. In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Science Management Associates (SMA) is pleased to announce that all of its workshops are now available to be delivered remotely via Zoom. Our experience with the Zoom platform has exceeded our highest expectations. Those who have participated in SMA workshops know that they are highly interactive and include one on one as well as small team and group exercises and discussion. The use of the breakout room feature in Zoom provides a seamless and robust format for these interactions, duplicating the in-person experience. Participant feedback on our workshops delivered via Zoom has been every bit as positive as for in person workshops.

Some adjustments to workshop timing and scheduling have been made to provide the best participant experience using Zoom. One Zoom option is from 10:00 AM-noon (your local time) followed by a 30-minute break and continuing from 12:30 PM-2:30 or 3:30 PM depending on the workshop. Other options are 8:30 AM- 12:45 PM or 12:45 PM- 5:00 PM each with a 15 minute break midway in the workshop. Our most popular workshop sequence, “Management skills for scientists” which takes place over two successive days when run on-site, is typically spread over four (non-consecutive) days with Zoom. We have found that this timing works best with participant’s at home or remote work schedules.

In addition to eliminating the need for getting everyone together in one space, Zoom workshops allow for the participation of your employees from multiple sites in the same workshop with obvious benefits for team building.

SMA is committed to continuing to offer its workshops on-site once it becomes clear what the “new normal” will be. Until then let us know if you want to explore sponsoring a Zoom workshop at your organization.
