Exciting news about the 2017 Cold Spring Harbor workshop on Leadership in Bioscience — Science Management Associates

Empowering scientists to lead with confidence

Exciting news about the 2017 Cold Spring Harbor workshop on Leadership in Bioscience

I have been running this four day workshop since 2011 along with my skilled co-facilitator Dannie Kennedy.  I am excited to announce that in 2017 my co-facilitator will be non-other than the co-author of “Lab Dynamics: Management and Leadership Skills for Scientists,” Dr. Suzanne L. Cohen.  

Over the years,  Suzanne and I have collaborated on a number of projects besides the book (two amazing children,  life, etc.) and we are excited to be able to team up for the 7th annual CSHL Leadership in Bioscience workshop, March 24-27, 2017.  Suzanne, a licensed psychologist and group therapist, brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this new role: 

“Suzanne L. Cohen, Ed.D., is a Licensed Psychologist, Certified Group Psychotherapist (CGP), Fellow of the American Group Psychotherapy Association (FAGPA), and Licensed Practitioner in The Nia Technique. She has facilitated over 30 workshops nationally that focus on group leadership, group dynamics, and somatic psychology. For more than 20 years, Suzanne was a Clinical Instructor of Psychology in the Harvard Medical School Department of Psychiatry as well as a faculty member for the Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy Training Program. She has served as President and Secretary of the Northeastern Society for Group Psychotherapy and was on the boards of both the American Group Psychotherapy Association and the International Registry of Certified Group Psychotherapists. Suzanne is co-author of the book Lab Dynamics: Management and Leadership Skills for Scientists (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press 2012) with her husband Carl, with whom she has collaborated to develop a variety of leadership training programs for scientists.”

Read more at www.suzannecohen.net.

In addition, Suzanne and I will be joined by Marquita Qualls, Ph.D., a scientist by training and skilled  leadership trainer and consultant. “Dr. Q” will deliver a special session during the workshop.  Read more about Marquita HERE.
For instructions on how to apply to the 2017 CSHL workshop go  HERE. The application deadline is January 31, 2017.

Carl M. Cohen
President, Science Management Associates
