Van Andel Research Institute - focusing on leadership — Science Management Associates

Empowering scientists to lead with confidence

Van Andel Research Institute - focusing on leadership


I just completed a series of eight workshops on leadership and management skills for scientists at the Van Andel Research Institute in Grand Rapids Michigan.  Given over a period of two months, the workshops focused on the specific needs of post docs and faculty in a parallel series of offerings. Including our most popular workshops - negotiation, running science meetings, goal setting, feedback and performance reviews, presenting yourself and your science, and more, the workshops were very well received. These workshops at the Van Andel were the first in which all of the key modules presented at the annual Cold Spring Harbor Workshop on Leadership in Bioscience  (a four day intensive workshop for new scientific leaders) were offered at another institution. The feedback was positive and heartening - looking forward to doing more of these at other forward-looking organizations.    

Carl M. Cohen
